General Chat & Messaging
- /msg [playerName] (message) - Followed by a username (e.g. /msg mercurialmusic), this sends a private message to the target player. You can also click a user's prefix in chat (even if they're on another server) to auto-populate the /msg [playername] command.
- /reply (message) or /r - Followed by your message (e.g. /r hi!), this quickly and privately responds to the last player who messaged you. Be careful with this one if you have multiple conversations going!
- /ignore [playerName] - Followed by a username (e.g. /ignore mercurialmusic), this will ignore all private messages from a particular player.
- /me (message) - Emotes in the third person (e.g. "/me smiles" would print "*merc smiles")
- /messagetoggle or /mtoggle - Want some quiet? This toggles your ability to receive private messages from all players.
- /mail send [playerName] (message) - sends mail to the target player whether online or offline. Usernames for offline players must be accurate.
- /mail read - reads any received mail messages.
- /mail clear - clears all mail messages from your inbox.
Chat Channels
- /chlist - Lists the available chat channels. These currently include:
Channel | [alias] | Description |
Global | [g] | Typical global chat. |
Local | [l] | Limited to players within a 230 block radius. This channel is highly recommended when working in close proximity to someone else to keep global chat sane. |
RolePlay | [rp] | To be used for role play chat. |
Trade | [t] | For advertising your shop or requesting a trade. |
- /channel [channel] or /ch [alias] - Focuses the desired channel in your chat -- all messages that you type will appear in your focused channels. Example: "/ch g" will focus the global channel.
- /leave [channel] - Tired of seeing the role play chats? Leave the channel!
- /join [channel] - Want to join a role play game after previously leaving the channel? Join the channel again here.
- /listen [channel] - Listen to a channel without focusing it as the channel you're chatting in.
- /chwho [channel] - Lists the members listening on a particular channel.
Party Chat
You can also create your own temporary chat channels called party chats!
- /party help - Use this for a quick command reference.
- /party host - Host a party! After starting a party you can message your friends to join it. Note that while the party isn't publicly broadcast, anyone can still join it. This command is a toggle, so doing /party host again will end the party.
- /party join [player] - Join your friend's party!
- /party leave - Leave the party.
- /party kick [player] - Kick the specified player from your own party.
- /party ban [player] - Prevents a player from joining your party. This feature does not seem to be working right now.
- /party unban [player] - Unban a player from your party.
- /party chat [on|off] - Focuses the party chat. This is slightly different from the channels since it requires either "/party chat on" or "/party chat off". If this is toggled on you will receive an error message if you try to chat without being in a party.