Template:Infobox user

From BadWolfMC Wiki
Revision as of 15:58, 8 July 2019 by Merc (talk | contribs)

When to use

Place this on any User: namespace page. It will produce the handy info box. It will also automatically categorize moderators and admins.

Please don't attempt to alter the code for this template unless you really know what you're doing, and you have community consensus.

Please only use this template for individual users, and only in the User: namespace.


Copy the text below, paste it at the very top of the relevant article, and modify as appropriate:

{{Infobox user
|minecraftname = mercurialmusic
|preferredname = merc
|skinexplain   = The 10th Doctor
|gender        = Male
|location      = North Carolina
|nationality   = 
|birthdayday   = 26
|birthdaymonth = August
|birthdayyear  = 
|occupation    = Server God
|firstjoindate = 20 August 2016
|firstbuilding = [[Mall]]
|moderator     = Yes
|admin         = Yes
|serverrank    = BigBadWolf

Or use this blank template:

{{Infobox user
|minecraftname = 
|preferredname = 
|skinexplain   = 
|gender        = 
|location      = 
|nationality   = 
|birthdayday   = 
|birthdaymonth = 
|birthdayyear  = 
|occupation    = 
|firstjoindate = 
|firstbuilding = 
|moderator     = 
|admin         = 
|serverrank    = 

Note: If you use this template and don't populate all fields, do NOT delete the unused fields - this will only make it difficult for future editors to fill in the additional information later.