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Revision as of 13:11, 29 October 2024 by Merc (talk | contribs) (Updating shop rules to existing rules.)
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All of your money and shop needs!

General Economy Commands

  • /bal or /balance or /money - This will tell you your current balance of in-game currency.
  • /bank - This command warps you to the BadWolfMC Bank located in the mall.
  • /menu - Selecting the Bank icon in the main menu will open a GUI-based version of our bank, allowing you to make deposits, withdrawals, and trade mob drops from the comfort of your base!
  • /pay [username] [amount] - Followed by a username and dollar amount (e.g. /pay mercurialmusic 5) this command will transfer funds from your in-game account to the target player.


The easiest way to get money on the network is with a job, which pays for doing things you'd be doing anyway. Each player is allowed two jobs at a time that they can level up as they progress, which provides a slight increase in pay as you move up the corporate ladder. You can quit or join jobs at anytime, and re-joining a job will put you back at the same level you were when you quit, although you will lose any progress towards the next level.


Workers in the following fields:

  • Brewer - earns money brewing potions.
  • Builder - earns money for building structures.
  • Crafter - earns money from crafting items.
  • Enchanter - earns money enchanting weapons.
  • Farmer - earns money farming crops and animals.
  • Fisherman - earns money from fishing.
  • Hunter - earns money killing animals and monsters.
  • Miner - earns money mining minerals and ores.
  • Redstoner - earns money for crafting and using redstone components.
  • Terraformer - earns money for placing dirt and making things pretty.
  • Weaponsmith - earns money from crafting and repairing weapons.
  • Woodcutter - earns money felling and planting trees

Job Commands

  • /jobs - access the help menu; view additional screens by clicking "next page" in chat.
  • /jobs browse - look through the list of jobs!
  • /jobs info [jobname] - shows what you can get paid for and your current pay rates (note that the higher level you are in a job, the higher your multiplier is for these base rates).
  • /jobs join [jobname] - join the job!
  • /jobs leave [jobname] - leaves the specified job.
  • /jobs leave all - quit all your jobs.
  • /jobs quests - view any active daily quests for your job. Quests give a bonus payout if the conditions are met - note that not all jobs have quests.
  • /jobs stats - shows your current levels and JobsXP.
  • /jobs top [jobname] - shows the top players in a job.
  • /jobs gtop - shows the global top 15.


Shops can be rented in the BadWolfMC Mall at spawn or created by players in any area of the server where you have build permissions.

Mall Shop Renting Rules

  • In the Alpha Mall, each player is limited to two rental units. You can combine shops on floors 1-3, but the first floor is limited to one shop (additional shops can be obtained on higher levels). In the Gamma Mall, players are limited to one rental unit, and combining shops is not possible.
  • Mall rental spaces are exclusively for shops. We will evict squatters and remove ads.
  • Once you rent a space, you have 7 days to stock your shop with items for sale. After that, we will reclaim it and make it available to other players. Inactive shops may also be cleared at the admins' discretion.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure your rent is paid or that you have sufficient funds for auto-renewal. We cannot recover items lost due to shop reversion.
  • In the malls, you can customize the blocks if you can break them. However, please maintain opaque and solid walls, except when combining your shop with another.
  • Mall shops must make an attempt to be lag-friendly. Wherever possible, please use barrels over chests, use physical blocks over a shop to describe the contents rather than an item frame, avoid transparent decoration blocks (e.g. leaves, vines, etc. that are not otherwise used to directly illustrate an item for sale), avoid use of any blocks or items that generate particles, avoid entities of any kind including but not limited to player heads, armor stands, item frames (some are fine of course but please use other methods wherever possible), etc. Any excessive use of any of the above will receive a warning. Ignoring a warning for whatever reason (even if offline) may result in eviction and shop reversion. Any items lost due to shop reversion may be bid on at The Chest.

Additional Economy Rules

  • The BadWolfMC Bank sets prices for certain items like iron, gold, and diamonds. Attempting to sell these items below the bank's price to manipulate the economy may result in a ban. Players and the economy itself determine prices for other items. However, prices for advanced-game items should be reasonably high to prevent them from being easily obtainable. Please see the table below for some example price minimums on popular items.
  • Reselling items by buying from other shops to sell in your own shop is prohibited. Our focus is on Minecraft, not playing an economy. You can purchase component parts as long as they make up less than 50% of any single item you're selling, unless you have a written agreement with the seller.
Minimum Prices
Item Minimum Price
Beacon Block $1500
Enchanted Book (all types) $200
Nether Star $1500
Netherite Ingot $500
Shulker Box $250 ($125/shell)
Smithing Templates $400
Wither Skull $500

Shop Creation

  • Place a container (accepts barrels, shulker boxes, chests, and trapped chests, but please avoid chests in the mall whenever possible since they can be quite laggy).
  • Place a sign within 1 block of the chest (for example, above it or on it).
  • On the sign, write (for example):
[leave blank]
B 10:5 S
  • The first line will be automatically filled with your name by the plugin
  • The second line is the amount of items to buy or sell in each transaction.
  • The third line is a combination of buy and sell prices. You need to have a price indicator (like 'B' - price that will apply to items BOUGHT by PLAYERS - or 'S' - the SELL price that you will pay players when they sell the item to you) near the price - the prices are separated by a colon (:). Some of the possible price combinations: "B 5:5 S", "B 5", "S free"
  • The fourth line will hold the id/name of the item. Write "?" on the sign and the item will be autofilled with whatever is already in the chest or you can click on the sign with the item afterwards.
  • Optionally you can put the actual name of the item on the fourth line. You can find out the name of the item that you're holding by using the /iteminfo command.

Shop Commands

  • /iteminfo - Get information about the item in your hand
  • /iteminfo <id/name> - Get information about the item with the given id or name
  • /cstoggle - Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages

How To Not Go Bankrupt

When adding the S tag to allow players to sell items to you, it might be useful to fill your chest with another item like dirt, leaving one or two slots open to receive the items you're purchasing. By doing this you can control exactly how many stacks of items can be sold to you and limit the drain on your bank account. For example, if you want to buy diamonds from players you might fill a 27-stack chest with 26 dirt pieces. Now all they can sell you is a single stack since beyond that the chest is considered full and will not accept any more items. If all 27 stacks were open you could lose a lot of money very quickly.

Trading Post

Now you can more easily trade with any member of the community using the BadWolfMC Trading Post! Trade items, money, XP, Pets, & even Residences!

Based in a handy GUI, it does take a little playing around to get used to it, but it's quite a powerful little tool. Hover over the items at the bottom of the GUI for explanations and instructions, then once you're satisfied with the trade click the red panes of glass on your side of the screen to turn them green and accept the trade. There's a short warm-up in case you change your mind, then the trade is finalized.

  • /trade [playername] - Sends trade offer
  • /trade accept - Accept to currently pending trade request (or click the offer notification in chat).
  • /trade deny - Refuses trade request (or click the "[X]" next to the notification in chat).
  • /trade block [playername] - Blocks trade requests from player (per user)
  • /trade toggle - Toggles the ability for you to receive trade offers at all.