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The Scarecrow Valley paintball arena on BadWolfMC Beta
Inventor Cesar, merc, IcarusHadWings
Category Games
# of Players 2-20
Public? Yes
Availability On Demand
Location Specific? Yes
Server Alpha & Beta
Dimension Gallifrey
Nearest warp Games

BadWolfMC has several paintball arenas, each accessed from the /games warp on the respective server.


The Paintball Arenas were introduced on August 5, 2017 as part of the 2017 Summer Games. The original maps included the Desert, Ice Castle, Neon, Ocean, & Suburbia arenas, and a build contest was held to determine a sixth arena, won by IcarusHadWings for their Eden2050 arena.

With the death of the server's PVP plugin in 1.13 the existing PVP arenas including King of the Ladder, The Foundry, Scarecrow Valley, Satan Pit, Sky Ship, and Sky Battle were converted to Paintball.

List of Paintball Arenas

Name Style/Description # of Players Server Access Location
DesertPB Team Deathmatch 2-10 Beta /games
Eden2050 Team Deathmatch 2-16 Beta /games
FoundryPB Team Deathmatch 2-4 Alpha /games or /citadel
IceCastlePB Team Deathmatch 2-20 Beta /games
KotL (King of the Ladder) Domination 2-4 Alpha /games or /fair
NeonPB Team Deathmatch 2-4 Beta /games
OceanPB Team Deathmatch 2-12 Beta /games
Satan Pit Team Deathmatch 2-10 Beta /games
Scarecrow Valley Team Deathmatch 2-12 Beta /games
SkyBattleFFA Free for All 2-4 Beta /games
SkyShipFFA Free for All 2-4 Beta /games
SuburbiaFFA Free for All 2-12 Beta /games
Desert Paintball
Eden2050 by IcarusHadWings
IceCastle Paintball
Neon Paintball
Ocean Paintball
Suburbia Free For All Paintball