Custom Potions are a feature available on BadWolfMC Alpha and in our hardcore worlds on BadWolfMC Gamma. Unlike in vanilla Minecraft it is not as easy as adding an ingredient to a brewing stand and waiting for it to finish. Depending on the recipe the whole process can be difficult and time consuming. Some recipes may need high precision in ingredients or any other step in the process. If even a single step is imprecise, the quality of the potions may suffer and you may experience side effects.
Depending on the recipe, not all steps may be needed. The following describes the more common procedures of crafting custom potions. Players are encouraged to experiment and refine their techniques.

The first step consists of brewing the fresh ingredients.
- Place a cauldron over a fire or campfire
- Fill the cauldron with water
- Add ingredients with a right click
- Wait while the ingredients steep
- Use glass bottles to extract the steeped ingredients
![]() | PRO TIP: Use (right click) a clock item on a cauldron to keep track of how long the ingredients have been brewing. |

- Put the bottle with brewed ingredients into a regular brewing stand
- Use glowstone dust as a filter in the top slot of the brewing stand (the filter will not be consumed)
Barrels are needed for aging. There are three types: small, medium, and large. The small barrel is a regular Minecraft barrel, the medium and large barrels are specially built with the wood choice depending on the brew. Medium barrels are opened with a right click on the sign, the big barrels with a right click on the spigot (fence).
- Put the distilled bottles into the barrels for aging.
- Depending on the recipe, the type of wood used may alter the quality of the aged brew.
- Aging times are in units of Minecraft days but listed on the final brew as years.
- The barrel should not be destroyed while aging, as it would leak after a short while.
- When breaking the spigot, everything inside will be dumped out.
- Barrels can be protected with BlockLocker by writing "[private]" on the first line and "Barrel" on the last line of the barrel sign.

Small barrel
- Craft and place a Minecraft barrel.
- That's it! No sign required.
- The small barrel counts for recipes as oak wood.
Medium barrel
- Use 8 wooden stairs to build a barrel shape.
- Place a sign on the lower right side and write "Barrel" on the first line.
A "Barrel created" message should appear if the barrel was properly built.
Large barrel
Use 5 Fences, 16 Wooden stairs, and 18 wood planks to build a barrel shape. Attach a spigot (fence) and a sign that has "Barrel" written on the first line.
A "Barrel created" message should appear if the barrel was properly built. For the large barrel only, you may remove the sign after creating it.
The effects of the brew will be applied to the player when drinking. Depending on the quality and type of potion it may have different effects.
- The player may not be able to walk normally anymore.
- Chat may be altered depending on the effects of the brew, and many things players write may be incomprehensible, sometimes senseless - bypass this by enclosing your chat in asterisks (*)
- If the brew is particularly strong or improperly brewed it may have several negative effects
- When logging off, the player may have difficulties reaching his character, thus some login attempts shortly after may be denied
- The player may faint (disconnect)
Managing Effects
After drinking it takes a while until the effects are completely gone, but will steadily decrease after consumption. Eating bread, drinking milk, and consuming brews from the "Cures" category can also help to reduce the effects faster.
When logging off, extremely affected players may log back in at a completely unknown place in the middle of nowhere having no idea how they got there. If they log back in after several hours or the next morning, they may also find themselves at /home again.
If the brew was not of the best quality, the player may also experience slowness and hunger for a short time.
Potion Handling

Our shop plugin requires all of the items sold from a specific container to be exactly equal, which is accomplished by sealing your brews on a Brew Sealing Table. This table can be crafted with 2 bottles over 4 planks.
Putting similarly crafted potions in this table equalizes them so that they cannot be aged or modified any further. They will no longer show the finer details of the potion, but they can now be sold in larger batches.
Did your potion not turn out quite as good as you hoped? "Dump" it into a hopper with a shift+right-click to empty the bottle for reuse in your next batch! Or, you know, just drink it and see what happens...
BadWolfMC has both permanent and seasonal recipes that can be won, purchased, or discovered through experimentation. Recipes can be stored in-game in Dr. Totter's Practical Guide to Pungent Potions, a magical book that keeps track of which recipes you've unlocked and displays the selected recipe in a book GUI for the user. The Guide can be obtained on Alpha and Gamma through a custom recipe.
Some basic recipes are automatically unlocked in your recipe book.
Seasonal Recipes
BadWolfMC also has seasonal recipes that can only be brewed and used during the active season. Off-season brews, even once brewed, will not work and should be stored for the next time their season is active. The active brews can only be discovered through experimentation using the following clues:
Spring Brews (Inactive)
Cuban Rose Brew
ingredients: rose bush/2, dark oak leaves (minty?)/2, ice/3, natural sweetener/1
brewing time: 6 minutes
distillations: 3
wood: same as the leaves
age: ???
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 30%
effects: ???
St. Germain's Enderflower Brew
ingredients: fresh flowers from the end/7, sugar/3, ice/2
brewing time: ???
distillations: 3
wood: ???
age: twice the number of brewing time
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 20%
effects: vwoop+vision
Fairy Fire
ingredients: sparkly dust/10, fiery dust/5, light ___ dye/1, two in the ____ dye/1
brewing time: >15, <25 minutes
distillations: ménage à trois
wood: giggity
age: 60 days
difficulty: 10/10
effect strength: 40%
effects: resistance, strength, health boost, glow
Shamrock Shake
ingredients: 3 lobed plant/10, sugar/5, ice/3, sparkly bits from the pot at the end of the rainbow/3
brewing time: 17 minutes
distillations: 3
wood: spruce
age: ???
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: 30%
effects: luck, speed
Spring's Radiance
ingredients: one of every overworld flower type
brewing time: the number of overworld flowers minus 8
distillations: half the number of brewing time
wood: a nice oaky finish
age: the number of overworld flowers
difficulty: 6/10
effect strength: 30%
effects: saturation, absorption
Ostara Basket
ingredients: something lucky/3. basket filler/a multiple of 3 not otherwise in this list, things to dye/a multiple of 3 not otherwise in this list, chocolate/a multiple of 3 not otherwise in this list, sweetener/a multiple of 3 not otherwise in this list
brewing time: same multiple of 3 as the chocolate
distillations: factor of 3
wood: pink!
age: ???
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: -15% (it's a cure!)
effects: speed, minor miner haste, regeneration
Summer Brews (Inactive)
Pride Punch
ingredients: 1 each of a rainbow plant bouquet, 3 Sugar
brewing time: 6 minutes
distillations: 28
wood: any
age: 21 years
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: 30%
effects: Saturation/Absorption
Pink Lemonade
ingredients: 10 Yellow Things, 3 Rose Bush, 6 Sugar, 2 Ice
brewing time: 20 minutes
distillations: ???
wood: birch
age: 5 days
difficulty: 6/10
effect strength: 20%
effects: Speed/Regen
Emerald Isle Cocktail
ingredients: 1 Emerald, Green Stained Glass, 1/2 Result of a Cake Trade-In
brewing time: 8 minutes
distillations: 1
wood: jungle
age: ??? days
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 20%
effects: Villagers love you!
Wicked Shenanigans
ingredients: 4 Emerald Ore, (Brew Time -2) Black Stained Glass, 2 Fallen Stars
brewing time: ??? minutes
distillations: 1
wood: jungle
age: 4 days
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 20%
effects: Why do I hear pillagers?
To Kill A Mockingbird
ingredients: 3 Feathers, Wheat Seeds, 3 Cookies
brewing time: 7 minutes
distillations: 7
wood: acacia
age: ??? day
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 65%
effects: Levitation/Slow Falling
Red Sangria
ingredients: 2 Nether Wart Block, 2 Red Flowers, 3 Redstone, Sweet Berries
brewing time: ??? minutes
wood: any
age: 1 day
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: 20%
effects: Night Vision/Health/Fire Resist
Hot Summer Nights
ingredients: 9 Obsidian, Magma Blocks, 3 Phantom Membrane, Shooting Star
brewing time: 6 minutes
distillations: ???
age: 10 days
wood: any
difficulty: 9/10
effect strength: 70%
effects: Strength/Speed/Resistance
Konbucha Tea
ingredients: Slightly Slimy Kelp, Sweetener
brewing time: a few minutes
distillations: ???
age: not long
wood: Japanese Cedar
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 7%
effects: Water Breathing/Speed
Fall Brews (Inactive)
Pumpkin Brew
ingredients: wheat/???, pumpkin/6
brewing time: ???
distillations: 0
wood: ???
age: 13 days
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: 8%
Butter Brew
ingredients: sugar/6, something_glittery/6
brewing time: 13 minutes
distillations: 0
wood: ???
age: ???
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: 8%
Witchy Brew
ingredients: eye_of_newt/3, sugar/6, shrooms/?, glistering_melon/3
brewing time: ???
distillations: 6
wood: jungle
age: ???
difficulty: 9/10
effect strength: 20%
Bloody Brew
ingredients: spider_eye/3, nether_wart/6, root_veg/?
brewing time: ???
distillations: 3
wood: ???
age: 13 days
difficulty: 8/10
effect strength: 15%
Graveyard Smash Brew
ingredients: something_rotten/3, dem_bones/6, bird_skins/3
brewing time: 6
distillations: ???
wood: ???
age: ???
difficulty: 8/10
effect strength: 15%
Nether Regions Brew
ingredients: some_mineral/6, nether_wart/6, glowstone/1, something_explosive/1
brewing time: ???
distillations: 10
difficulty: 8/10
effect strength: 15%
Monster Mash
ingredients: internal_structural_support/3, offensive_projectiles/3, trap_material/3, the_better_to_see_you_with/3, green_meat/3, snot/3, boom_juice/3, speed/6
brewing time: unlucky. verrry unlucky.
distillations: 6
wood: yes please
age: 6 days
difficulty: 6/10
effect strength: 15%
Pumpkin Spice Latte (Cure)
ingredients: orange_gourd/1, coffee_beans/5, raw_sugar/?, milk/1
brewing time: optimal brew time for a French Press
wood: ???
age: 5 days
difficulty: 5/10
effect strength: -10%
Winter Brews (Active)
Irish Hot Cocoa
ingredients: cocoa beans/???, sugar/3, "no famine here"/1
brewing time: ???
distillations: 0
age: n/a
difficulty: 8/10
effect strength: 15%
Mulled Cider
ingredients: "cider's main ingredient"/6, "cinnamon sticks"/1, glistering melon/1
brewing time: 6 minutes
distillations: 0
age: n/a
difficulty: 6/10
effect strength: 10%
Celebration Bubbly
ingredients: "grapes"/9, something sparkly"/3
brewing time: ???
distillations: 0
wood: oak
age: ???
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: 15%
Snowman Bubbly
ingredients: snow/3, nose/1, eyes and buttons/5, arms/2
brewing time: longer than it takes a snowman to melt
distillations: 3
age: n/a
difficulty: 5/10
effect strength: 30%
Candy Apple Cider
ingredients: apples/8, "candy apple"/1, sugar/3
brewing time: x = 1/3 the number of cocoa beans required for the perfect Irish Hot Chocolate
distillations: x = 1/2 the minutes of brewing time for perfect Candy Apple Cider
wood: oak
age: 4 days
difficulty: 4/10
effect strength: 10%
Cranberry Cider
ingredients: cranberries/?, apples/same as the number of cranberries, sugar/3, bottle of something sweet/1
brewing time: 7 minutes in heaven
distillations: how much time heaven actually takes
wood: crimson
age: 3 days
difficulty: 5/10
effect strength: 10%
Cason's Frozen Brew
ingredients: wheat, ice
brewing time: same number of ice blocks in minutes
wood: any
age: 3 days
difficulty: 3/10
effect strength: 6%
White Christmas
ingredients: white stuff/10, other white stuff/2, holly berries/10, sweetness/5
brewing time: same number of minutes as one of the white stuffs
distillations: same number of runs as one of the white stuffs
difficulty: 6/10
effect strength: 15%
Alton Brown's Eggnog
ingredients: eggs/the actual number that Alton's recipe calls for, sugar/one less than the number of eggs, milk/one less than the number of sugar, vanilla/one less than the number of sugar, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg
brewing time: one more minute than the number of eggs
distillations: the same number of runs as the amount of sugar
difficulty: 9/10
effect strength: 15%
Peppermint Mocha
ingredients: chocolate/the number of the (canon) doctor who got a movie, peppermint oil/half the amount of chocolate, peppermint leaves/half the amount of peppermint oil, sweetness/the number of peppermint oil plus the number of peppermint leaves, some milk, some cold stuff
brewing time: same number of minutes as the amount of chocolate
distillations: one less run than the number of peppermint leaves
difficulty: 7/10
effect strength: -15%