List of Stores

From BadWolfMC Wiki
Revision as of 17:28, 30 June 2018 by Merc (talk | contribs)

Active Stores

Store Name Items Owner Buys/Sells Status Res TP Location
BadWolfMC Art Gallery Custom Paintings server sells Open spawn.artgallery BadWolfMC Mall
BadWolfMC Market Decorative Heads server sells Open warp market BadWolfMC Mall
The Rusty Urchin Prismarine/Sea Lanterns, Iron, Quartz, Gunpowder cesar & merc sells Open spawn.rustyurchin BadWolfMC Mall

Add a new store by inserting the example code below above the |} symbol:

 | BadWolfMC Art Gallery || Custom Paintings || server || sells || Open || spawn.artgallery || BadWolfMC Mall 

Inactive Stores

These stores still exist but are slowly dying/may soon be removed.

  • store (username)

Dead Stores

These stores have been removed from the mall by the admins.

  • store (username)

Also see List of Residences.