The Oasis

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The Oasis
Overview of the central area of the original Oasis
Founder Antaganizer
Contributors Everyone!
Category Settlements
Underground? Does Hell count?
Public access? Yes
Public build? Outside the spawn limits
Nether link? Station 45 (Black/Blue)
Coordinates X=738
Server Alpha
Dimension The Nether
/res tp theoasis
Nearest warp Oasis

The Oasis was created in July 2018 by Antaganizer to be a community-built half-way house of sorts in preparation for The Great BadWolfMC Migration of 2018. Fearing the destruction of their homes in the upgrade to 1.13, players flocked to this lava-filled haven to store their treasures.

The original Oasis also featured public farms, shops, and even a public super-smelter.

With the destruction of the nether in 2020 due to the Minecraft 1.16.1 update, much of the Oasis was salvaged and repurposed as the Gallifreyan Nether Spawn. The New Oasis has direct access to the Gallifreyan Transit Authority's Nether Link (Station 45) and still allows for public builds outside of the Oasis proper.