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The Tardis Vaults

From BadWolfMC Wiki
The Tardis Vaults
The Vault Altar inside the Matrix Room, found inside the Tardis
Contributors Cesar, merc, Ca3lan, Shimmisham, Jennyblaze, FreyaHaze, brendannoturie, AzurexeruzA, GolighRunes, mummywummy
Category Server Builds
Underground? Yes
Public? Yes
Started 1 June 2023
Released 1 October 2023
Server Alpha
Dimension The Vaults
Nearest warp Vault

The Tardis Vaults are a dungeon series on BadWolfMC Alpha, released on October 1, 2023 as part of BadWolfMC's seven year anniversary celebration. There are 7 vaults of increasing size and difficulty which players can loot and explore.

Vault Rules & Restrictions

Any breaking of these rules will result in the removal of your ability to participate in the Vaults or Vault-related activities.

  • Players are forbidden from trading, selling, or giving away Vault items/loot.
  • Any mapping or location distribution beyond what is included in this wiki is prohibited.
  • Players can work together in vaults, but discovery should be equitable - there should be no leading, babysitting, or tour-guiding through the vaults. Please allow novice players to discover the vaults for themselves.
  • Vault entrance fees are one-time only. Once the run begins, you cannot teleport away and back, disconnect from the server, or regain entry on death.
  • The Tardis will attempt to remove any soul-bound boots upon entry to the Vaults, and you will not be able to reequip them. We recommend taking in only boots that are not soul-bound or you may be forced to complete the run barefoot. You may also lose your soul-bound boots if you enter the Vaults with a full inventory!


In addition to loads of loot from the chests, the following prizes also await:

Sneaky Britches Vault Star
Soul-bound Netherite Leggings with:
  • Mending
  • Protection 4
  • Swift Sneak 3
  • Unbreaking 3

Upgradable to:

  • Blast Protection 4
  • Fire Protection 4
  • Projectile Protection 4
  • Swift Sneak 4 & 5
  • Thorns 3
  • Unbreaking 5
Allows you to customize the enchantments

on your sonic tools and armor through the /sonics menu!

Awarded after the first completion of Vault 6! Awarded after each completion of Vault 7!


The 7 diameter room layout for Vaults 1-3 showing the location of the Tardis Console and "X Marks The Spot" rooms.
The 7 diameter room layout for Vaults 1-3 showing the location of the Tardis Console and "X Marks The Spot" rooms.
The 9 diameter room layout for Vaults 4-6 showing the location of the Tardis Console and "X Marks The Spot" rooms.
The 9 diameter room layout for Vaults 4-6 showing the location of the Tardis Console and "X Marks The Spot" rooms.

Once a Vault is opened each player will need to cover as much ground as possible and to discover as many loot chests as possible without dying before their Vault timer expires. Without exception, if a player dies, teleports away, or disconnects while in a Vault, their access will be revoked and they would need to pay the access fee again to begin a new run. Players will find Battle Passes during their journey, which can be used in the "X Marks The Spot" room to initiate the Boss Battle. Battle Pass requirements are scaled so that multiple trips will usually be necessary to initiate the Boss Battle. Successful completion of the boss fight will allow the player to progress to the next Vault level.

Gameplay Features

All players will have the ability to use shulker backpacks in the vaults! Simply shift+right-click a shulker box in your inventory to stash your loot. If you'd like to use this feature outside of the Vault, consider upgrading to [Diamond].

If at any point you need to end your run, use the command /vaultexit. This will take you back to the Tardis's Matrix Room and remove the countdown timer.

Vault Access

Vault access is gained through the Tardis's Matrix Room, located in the south-east Pillar of Destiny behind the Cloister Room (leaderboards) or accessed directly with /warp Vault. Each Vault requires a "sacrificial" payment at the Matrix Altar, which includes cash, Vault Keys, a specially crafted Vault Gem unique to each Vault, and, optionally, a Time Vortex to extend the initial vault timer. Items required for Vault access are often found in previous vaults. Entry is only granted through the Matrix Altar and is only granted once per payment, meaning players cannot access the Vault again if they die, return home to get more items, or if they are disconnected during their access period. It is recommended to be prepared and have a reliable internet connection before you pay the entrance fee.

Each Vault must be successfully conquered before the player is able to access the next level. Each Vault trip will have a 5-minute cooldown from the time of entry, but can be accessed as many times as players are willing to pay the entrance fees. However, each chest in a Vault can only be looted once every 4 days per player.

Two of the payment categories required for each Vault include Vault Keys and Vault Gems:

Vault Keys

Vault Keys can be obtained by farming Vault Key Shards from seasonal server mobs and Vault mobs or by purchasing them from our server store. Five Vault Key Shards can be traded to the 14th Doctor NPC at /warp Vault for a Vault Key. Vault One requires 1 Vault Key, Vault Two requires 5 Vault Keys, and each subsequent Vault's key requirement increases by 5 keys each.

Vault Gems

Vault Gems are specially crafted items requiring both common and rare resources found in the game. Many (but not all) of the rare-item ingredients have chances of spawning in the Epic or Legendary Loot Chests. Each Vault requires a slightly different gem, and crafting recipes for each can be found in the table below.

Red Vault Gem Crafting Recipe
Red Vault Gem (using basic golden apple)
Orange Vault Gem Crafting Recipe
Orange Vault Gem
Yellow Vault Gem Crafting Recipe
Yellow Vault Gem (using enchanted golden apple)
Green Vault Gem Crafting Recipe
Green Vault Gem (using enchanted golden apple)
Blue Vault Gem Crafting Recipe
Blue Vault Gem
Purple Vault Gem Crafting Recipe
Purple Vault Gem - Note that the Dragon Egg required is the custom "Big Bad Bitch Egg", not the vanilla dragon egg.
Crafting recipe for Vault 7's Opal Gem on BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server
Opal Vault Gem (using basic golden apple)

Loot Chests

Loot chests are the hunter's main target. The number and quality of chests vary widely depending on the difficulty of the Vault and the room itself. There are three types of loot chests: Common, Epic, and Legendary, and every room has at least one of each type of chest containing a wide range of possible items. Common and Epic chests share loot tables across levels, while each Vault has a separate loot table for Legendary chests. A player may be able to acces a Vault multiple times, but each chest can only be looted once every 4 days per player.


Easy to find and almost always out in the open. These chests contain basic items similar to what you might find in a low-level Minecraft loot chest. These are found in light-gray shulker boxes.


Usually found a bit off the beaten path, usually (but not always) out in the open, and often guarded. These chests are a big step up from the common chest and contain valuable items which may even aid your journey. These are found in yellow shulker boxes.


Rarely found in plain sight, these chests are often well-hidden and may be guarded or require some mental or physical feat to gain access. These contain highly valuable items and are the only chests that contain the Battle Passes required to access the boss arena. These are found in light-blue shulker boxes.

Vault Mobs

Each room contains a varying number of spawners which spawn creatures that scale in difficulty with each Vault level. All Vault mobs have chances of dropping their heads, a Vault Key Shard, a Time Crystal, and Experience Points. Some Vault Mob heads can be traded with the 14th Doctor NPC in the Matrix Room for additional Vault Key Shards. All Vault mobs (with the exception of the Boss Arena mobs) have similar base statistics, and each gain +10 health, 0.5 damage points, and 0.5 armor points per Vault level.

Vault Details

Each Vault consists of 25 or 41 rooms in a diamond pattern, with a Tardis Console Room in the direct center of the diamond and an "X Marks the Spot" Room immediately above (although without direct access between the two), where players can gain access to the Boss Arena. Upon entry into the Vault, players will be taken to the Vault Antechamber, which is directly outside the Console Room.

Each Vault typically has 2 sets of themed rooms which go outward from the console and "X" rooms. These themed rooms are usually the more difficult rooms in a given Vault. All other rooms in the Vault are varied and often include themed rooms from previous vaults. Each room varies in difficulty from a rating of 1-8, calculated based on a given room's risk (number of spawners) vs. reward (number and level of chests).

Additional Vault details are provided in the table below.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total Rooms 25 25 25 41 41 41 41
Avg. Difficulty 1.87 2.01 2.34 2.46 2.47 3.13 4.24
Difficulty Range 1-3 1-3 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-8 2-8
Total Spawners 91 98 111 178 215 238 363
Mob Difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 6 6
Legendary Chests 65 67 65 124 112 118 229
Total Chests 200 216 228 403 392 437 589
Vault Keys Reqd. 1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Currency Reqd. 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
Gem Reqd. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Opal
Battle Passes Reqd. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Vault Items

Time Vortices

A Time Vortex is an item that allows the player to manipulate their Vault Timer either before or during their run. One Time Vortex in item form can be used when initializing a run to extend the Vault Timer by 5 minutes. Time Vortex items can also be deposited into or withdrawn from a player's Vault balance using the GUI on the Matrix Altar.

When deposited, Time Vortices can be used to purchase timer replacements (using /vaulttime to bring up the GUI) in values of either 5, 10, or 15 minutes, costing one Time Vortex per 5 minutes. These values do not add time to the Vault Timer, but replace the timer with their own value. It is therefore advised to use them only when time is nearly expired. Time Vortices can only be used on the main Vault run and not in the Boss Arena.

Time Vortices can be purchased from the BadWolfMC Shop or crafted from a nether star, gold blocks, and special Time Crystals dropped by Vault mobs.

Crafting recipe for the Time Vortex
Crafting recipe for the Time Vortex

Bag of Golden Carrots

The Bag of Golden Carrots is an item that facilitates fast eating within the Vaults. It requires the player to have golden carrots in their inventory but allows them to be consumed instantly. The Bag only works in the main Vaults and does not work during the boss fight or in the rest of the server. It can only be obtained by crafting a nether star, four golden apples, and 4 golden carrots on a crafting table.

Crafting recipe for the Bag of Golden Carrots used in the Tardis Vaults
Crafting recipe for the Bag of Golden Carrots

Boss Arena

Boss Arena entrance is gained through an altar in a hidden treasure room found in each Vault's "X Marks The Spot" room. The first boss arena requires 10 Battle Passes to enter per player, and the required number increases by 5 passes for each subsequent Vault's arena, likely requiring multiple runs before the boss can be accessed. Battle Passes are found only in Legendary Chests and are unique to the Vault in which they are found.

Once entry to the arena is gained, the existing Vault Timer is cleared and a new Arena Timer will give players 15 minutes to defeat each Vault Boss. Players are granted unlimited respawns within the Boss Arena, but the run will end when the timer runs out or if they disconnect before they've defeated the Boss. Each player can only access the boss once per week per Vault — if a boss fight attempt is unsuccessful for whatever reason, individual players will need to wait a week before making another attempt and will need to once again gather the required Battle Passes. Players within 40 blocks of the boss upon his death will receive 10 loyalty points and access to the next Vault in addition to a simple loot table.

Successful completion Vault 6 will grant the player a one-time reward of soul-bound netherite pants enchanted with Swift Sneak 3, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, and Mending, while each successful completion of Vault 7 will grant the player a Vault Star which they can use to upgrade their soul-bound tools and armor.