Teleporting & Homes

From BadWolfMC Wiki

Teleport & Home Commands

  • /back - This command will teleport you to your last location or even your deathpoint so you can collect your dropped items. Not recommended for use in the event of a lava death.
  • /delhome [homename] - Deletes the specified "home" teleport location. Must be followed by the name you set for a given home.
  • /home [homename] - Teleports you to your saved "home" teleport location. Must be followed by the name you set for a given home.
  • /random - A random teleport command for the adventurous/brave. Enabled in most, but not all worlds. Note that there is a 60-second cooldown on this command for all players.
  • /res tp [residence name] - Teleports you to the residence specified as long as you have teleport permissions in that residence.
  • /sethome [homename] - Followed by an arbitrary home name (e.g. /home shop), this command sets a teleport location at your current coordinates.
  • /spawn - Teleports you to the spawn compass regardless of what world you're in.
  • /tpa [username] - Followed by a username (e.g. /tpa mercurialmusic), this command sends a teleport request to the target player to go to their location. All tpa requests time out after about two minutes.
  • /tpaccept - This command accepts the teleport request sent from another player, both for requests for you to go to their location and for requests for them to come to your location. You can also click on the teleport request notification in chat to accept.
  • /tpahere - Followed by a username, this command sends a request to the target player for them to teleport to your location.
  • /tpdeny - This command denies the latest active teleport request received. You can also click the red [X] next to the teleport request received in chat.
  • /warp [warpname] - Followed by the warp name (e.g. /warp endgrinder) this command will teleport you to that location.
  • /warps - Displays the GUI-based warp selection.

Note that players are allowed homes according to the following table:

Member Iron Gold Diamond
2 3 5 10

List of Warps

These are some of our public warps, updated as often as we think to do it. Most can be accessed by using "/warps" to bring up the GUI or by typing "/warp [warpname]". Some warps, such as The Satan Pit, can only be accessed through the "/warps" GUI

  • acidmall - when used from BadWolfMC Beta, takes you to the AcidIsland Mall.
  • acidspawn - when used from BadWolfMC Beta, takes you to the AcidIsland spawn.
  • acidwither - when used from BadWolfMC Beta, takes you to the AcidIsland Wither Arena.
  • atlantis - takes you to Atlantis. Also accessed with /atlantis
  • balloon - takes you to the Community Board where you can post your /res tps! Also accessed with /balloon.
  • bank - takes you to the BadWolfMC Bank where you can buy/sell mob drops and exchange precious gems/metals. Also accessed with /bank.
  • citadel - takes you to The Citadel. Also accessed with /citadel
  • endgrinder - takes you to the enderman grinder. Also accessed with /endgrinder.
  • fair - takes you to the BadWolfMC Fairgrounds (vanilla minigames) where members can also build new games! Also accessed with /fair.
  • games - takes you to our Games Hub on both our Alpha and Beta servers. Also accessed with /games.
  • halloween - takes you to the seasonal Haunted House event (seasonal only).
  • mall - takes you to the BadWolfMC Mall entrance. Also accessed with /mall.
  • mansion - takes you to the server's Woodland Mansion - new mobs spawned daily!
  • market - takes you to the BadWolfMC Head Shop! Also accessed with /market.
  • oldvillage - takes you to the Old Village where you can reminisce about worlds past.
  • resource - takes you to the resource overworld spawn.
  • resourceend - takes you to the resource end spawn.
  • resourcenether - takes you to the resource nether spawn.
  • rewards - takes you to the BadWolfMC Rewards Shop! Also accessed with /rewards.
  • sat5 - visible from the Tardis observatory, Satellite 5 features escape the room and trivia minigames!
  • skymall - when used from BadWolfMC Beta, takes you to the SkyBlock Mall. Also accessed with /skymall or /mall.
  • skyspawn - when used from BadWolfMC Beta, takes you to the SkyBlock spawn. Also accessed with /skyspawn.
  • skywither - when used from BadWolfMC Beta, takes you to the SkyBlock Wither Arena. Also accessed with /skywither.
  • spawn - takes you to the spawn compass. Also accessed with /spawn.
  • stormcage - takes you to BadWolfMC's jail where you can view the Wall of Shame and enjoy an escape the room minigame.
  • treefarm - takes you to the BadWolfMC Tree Farm. Also accessed with /treefarm.
  • warps - takes you to the warps wall in the TARDIS, usually more up to date than this list! ;) This one must be accessed with /warp warps.
  • winter - takes you to the seasonal Winter Wonderland event (seasonal only).
  • witherarena - takes you to the public Wither Arena for both server wither fights and your own monster battle!
  • worlds - takes you to the Worlds Hub at spawn. Also accessed with /worlds.